Description:Resident Evil 6 is an action / horror on PS3. 10 years after the Raccoon City incident, a bioterrorist attack is launched against the president of the United States. For the first time, Leon S. Kennedy and Chris Redfield join forces to fight a new zombie invasion, in a game that focuses on intense action more present than in previous games.
save game resident evil 6 ps3 download
Description: Resident Evil 6 is an action / horror on PS3. 10 years after the Raccoon City incident, a bioterrorist attack is launched against the president of the United States. For the first time, Leon S. Kennedy and Chris Redfield join forces to fight a new zombie invasion, in a game that focuses on intense action more present than in previous games.
Ready to enter the world of Save Game Files? Only one click and your game will change forever - it will be upgraded the way you always wanted. No more stress or nerves - everything can be fixed now that you have a Save Game for any of your games. Are you a huge fan of some game? Find it here and improve it so that you'll enjoy that game even more! Just a couple of minutes to do so by downloading and adding the Game Save Files features.
1. Rename the PS3_Game folder of retail disc [BCUS98298] into "NPUA72074",2. Unpack the demo NPUA72074 then copy only the [eboot.bin] from it then paste into folder [USRDIR] in [NPUA72074] renamed in step 1,3. Edit PARAM.SFO of [NPUA72074] and change Category from DG Disc Game (blu-ray) to HG Harddrive Game then Save,4. Delete LICDIR folder in NPUA72074,5. Download only the v1.01 update for BCUS98298,6. Unpack contents of downloaded v1.01 update then move them to a new folder called "BCUS98298",7. For DTU: Transfer NPUA72074 and BCUS98298 folders into CFW PS3 then DTU to OFW PS3. Done.7. For HAN: Move NPUA72074 and BCUS98298 folders into make-backup-pkg directory then open/run [do.bat]. Install on HAN PS3 with [Enable Debug Packages]. Done.For Han: converted with CFW2OFW Helper v13 the game stucks at a black screen. Feel free to try with PS3GameConvert v0.91.
1. Rename PS3_Game folder to "NPUB30790"2. Decrypt eboot.bin with scetool3. Open eboot.elf with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 37 39 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 00 01] and save4. Move the modified eboot.elf to scetool folder, open CMD and type:scetool.exe --verbose --sce-type=SELF --compress-data=TRUE --skip-sections=FALSE --key-revision=04 --self-auth-id=1010000001000003 --self-vendor-id=01000002 --self-type=NPDRM --self-app-version=0001000000000000 --self-fw-version=0003004000000000 --self-add-shdrs=TRUE --np-license-type FREE --self-ctrl-flags=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --self-cap-flags=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003B0000000100040000 --np-app-type=EXEC --np-content-id=UP0105-NPUB30790_00-BLEACHSOULRESURR --np-klicensee=72F990788F9CFF745725F08E4C128387 --np-real-fname=EBOOT.BIN --np-add-sig=FALSE --encrypt EBOOT.ELF EBOOT.BIN5. Copy the new eboot.bin into NPUB30970 folder6. Edit PARAM.SFO and change Category from DG (Disc Game) to HG (Harddrive Game) then save7. Pack into PKG with any PKG converter as long as it doesn't resign the eboot into 4.XXSo far the game works perfectly.
1. Rename PS3_Game folder to "NPUB30970"2. Decrypt EBOOT.BIN, DBZ1.BIN and DBZ3.BIN with scetool3. Open EBOOT.ELF with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 4C 41 55 4E 43 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 39 37 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 4C 41 55 4E 43 48 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54] and save4. Open DBZ1.ELF with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 31 00 00 2F 55 53 52 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 00 49 6E 69 74 69 61 6C 69 7A 65 20 54 68 72 65 61 64 00 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 44 52 41 57 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 54 52 41 4E 53 20 44 52 41 57 00 00] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 39 37 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 31 00 00 2F 55 53 52 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 00 49 6E 69 74 69 61 6C 69 7A 65 20 54 68 72 65 61 64 00 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 44 52 41 57 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 54 52 41 4E 53 20 44 52 41 57] and save5. Open DBZ3.ELF with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 33 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 39 37 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 33 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 0A] and save6. Move the modified files to scetool folder, open CMD and typeFor EBOOT.ELF:scetool.exe --verbose --sce-type=SELF --compress-data=FALSE --skip-sections=FALSE --key-revision=04 --self-auth-id=1010000001000003 --self-vendor-id=01000002 --self-type=NPDRM --self-app-version=0001000000000000 --self-fw-version=0003004000000000 --self-add-shdrs=TRUE --np-license-type FREE --self-ctrl-flags=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --self-cap-flags=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003B0000000100040000 --np-app-type=EXEC --np-content-id=UP0105-NPUB30970_00-DRAGONBALLBUDHDC --np-klicensee=72F990788F9CFF745725F08E4C128387 --np-real-fname=EBOOT.BIN --np-add-sig=FALSE --encrypt EBOOT.ELF EBOOT.BINFor DBZ1.ELF and DBZ3.ELF (you must rename them to EBOOT.BIN and rename them to their original names after the conversion):scetool.exe --verbose --sce-type=SELF --skip-sections=FALSE --self-add-shdrs=TRUE --compress-data=FALSE --key-revision=04 --self-app-version=0001000000000000 --self-auth-id=1010000001000003 --self-vendor-id=01000002 --self-ctrl-flags=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --self-cap-flags=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003B0000000100040000 --self-type=APP --self-fw-version=0003004000000000 --encrypt EBOOT.ELF EBOOT.BIN7. Copy the new .BIN files into NPUB30970 folder8. Edit PARAM.SFO and change Category from DG (Disc Game) to HG (Harddrive Game) then save9. Pack into PKG with any PKG converter as long as it doesn't resign the eboot into 4.XXSo far the game works perfectly.
1. Download the update 1.06 of the regular US version of Fallout: NV (BLUS30500), 2. Unpack the update PKG and then replace the EBOOT.BIN of the disc game (BLUS30888) folder with the one from the unpacked update PKG, 3. Edit the PARAM.SFO of the disc game (BLUS30888) folder to change its 'Title ID' with the one of the update (in this case write "BLUS30500"), change 'PS3 System' into 4.46, then 'Version' and 'App Ver' into 1.06. Save changes and overwrite, 4. Convert your customized BLUS30888 (PS3_GAME) folder using PS3GameConvert. When asked for a game update, click 'yes' then select the downloaded update 1.06 PKG of Fallout: NV (BLUS30500) regular version, 5. After conversion, use Make PKG or make-backup-pkg tool to make it a PKG and then install on PS3 with Debug Packages enabled in this order: game PKG, patch PKG, LIC PKG. !Ah2kvD0luiUZqWIs3PKRSVA-35nX Note: Click to talk about how it works
1. Download the update 1.06 of the regular EU Spanish version of Fallout: NV (BLES00905), 2. Unpack the update PKG and then replace the EBOOT.BIN of the disc game (BLES01475) folder with the one from the unpacked update PKG, 3. Edit the PARAM.SFO of the disc game (BLES01475) folder to change its 'Title ID' with the one of the update (in this case write "BLES00905"), change 'PS3 System' into 4.46, then 'Version' and 'App Ver' into 1.06. Save changes and overwrite, 4. Convert your customized BLES01475 (PS3_GAME) folder using PS3GameConvert. When asked for a game update, click 'yes' then select the downloaded update 1.06 PKG of Fallout: NV (BLES00905) regular version, 5. After conversion, use Make PKG or make-backup-pkg tool to make it a PKG and then install on PS3 with Debug Packages enabled in this order: game PKG, patch PKG, LIC PKG. Note: Click to talk about how it works
Using PKG maker - folder NPEA00129 needs to be the main full game folder BCES00129 will be patch downloaded and unpacked. Following Russian instructions above BCES00129GAME would change to NPEA00129 for creating a pkg properly in pkg maker.
Each campaign contains five chapters and each chapter can take anywhere from 90 minutes to two hours to complete. Like I said, this is a meaty game and completing everything will take you well over the 25 hours. The chapters are broken up into sections that auto save, but between those sections are checkpoints. It's very tricky and it's easy to lose your progress if you don't see a proper save icon. On more than one occasion this happened to me, so make sure you see the typewriter icon when saving to know it's safe to quit. One nice feature is the ability to switch between campaigns to keep the story timelines in sync, though you can only have one mid mission save at anytime, so you best do that at chapter breaks. You'll also need to hit the chapter breaks to save your progress if you join someone's game, otherwise you won't get credit for completion. 2ff7e9595c