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Looking for a unique gift no one else has? Think about giving that special someone the gift of an unforgettable experience at Zoo Miami, such as one of our special tours or having him or her enjoy a day at the zoo! These gifts are perfect for any occasion: holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and more. Contact the Sales and Events Department at zoosales@miamidade.gov or 305-251-0400 for more information.
Miami online gratuito
Customers who need assistance can use our online services and mobile applications to stay connected or call the Paratransit Call Center at 786-469-5000, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. or via email at [email protected].
We have signage installed at all garages regarding ticketless parking and online payment.
License plate number is required.
Pay online at reefparking.com/pay
Customers have the option to pay as they go or setup an account for frequent use.
Each participant must complete two Online Course pre-requisites prior to registering for the one-day HIV/AIDS 500/501 classroom training: (1) FDOH HIV/AIDS 500 The Basics of HIV/AIDS Counseling, Testing and Linkage and (2) FDOH HIV/AIDS 501 Prevention Counseling, Testing and Linkage. Both certificates of completion from online courses are required with pre-registration. Registration deadline is one week prior to training date. A confirmation letter will be sent via email to all registered participants.
Pero para el caso particular de cursos de inglés, es posible utilizar ciertos recursos en línea y algunas aplicaciones móviles, que pueden ayudarte en el proceso de aprendizaje de inglés en modo gratuito y remoto.
Dirigido a adultos mayores de 18 años que viven en el condado de Miami-Dade, Adult Learning Academy cuenta con varios cursos gratuitos disponibles, entre ellos lecciones de inglés básico, intermedio y avanzado. Las clases en línea se realizan a través de la app Zoom.
Se trata de una forma de aprender inglés, a través de materiales de lectura, juegos y canciones. Además, ofrecen cursos abiertos en línea gratuitos (MOOCs) para empresarios, periodistas y otros profesionales de nivel avanzado.
Además de brindar cursos de inglés gratis para estudiantes principiantes y de nivel intermedio, la plataforma USA Learns dispone de un curso gratuito muy conveniente para estudiar cómo ser un ciudadano estadounidense.
El costo varía en función de cada escuela, academia e institución educativa, el nivel de inglés que se quiera aprender, la cantidad de semanas y horas diarias del curso, el área de Miami donde vayas a estudiar, si es presencial o solo online, si incluye alojamiento o no, entre otros factores.
Miami-Dade County offers free testing for COVID-19 at drive-thru, walk-in and mobile sites. COVID-19 testing is available at no direct cost to the patient at Miami-Dade County sites. However, patients are required to provide health insurance information if applicable or personal information to assist with federal reimbursement. Due to high demand and limited supply, tests are limited to one test per person, per day. Visit miamidade.gov/coronavirus/testing-locations.
Recibimos desde bebés hasta jóvenes de 20 años y el único requisito indispensable es que no tengan ninguna clase de seguro de salud. El servicio es totalmente gratuito y nos tienen que traer la tarjeta de vacunación para controlar si están al día o necesitan las inmunizaciones. En ese caso se las damos al igual que los análisis de laboratorio y pruebas básicas auditivas y visuales, explica a El Paracaidista Clara Morales, Especialista Técnica del servicio de pediatría sobre ruedas.
Para hacer su cita e informarse de la próxima parada de este consultorio móvil y los servicios que estarán brindando, llame al T + 305-243-6407 o conéctese para más datos a: -outreach/pediatric-mobile-clinic, también puede revisar el calendario online de paradas si en esa página hace click en Schedule.
Developed for professionals seeking to enhance their skills in a flexible digital format, our online programs help you build and enhance critical capabilities that set the stage for your professional success. We have taken special care to ensure that the collaborative, interactive experience you expect from Kellogg carries through to our online programs. Explore our current program offerings below, and experience this highly convenient and engaging learning environment.
Learn to create a successful advertising campaign based on a solid, effective strategy. This 8-week online program will help you develop a rigorous, systematic approach to defining goals, effective targeting and methods for creating insight-driven messaging.
The Managerial Finance online program aims to empower professionals with non-financial expertise and experience to understand, participate in, and confidently communicate opinions on the major financial decisions made within their organization.
In this 8-week online program, Kellogg professor Mohan Sawhney will guide you through a deep dive into optimizing value for the customer and for the firm through strategic product management techniques.
Hard Rock Social Casino and Seminole Social Casino are free-to-play online apps with no real money winnings. Coins earned in-game have no real-world value and cannot be cashed in for real money; this game is for entertainment purposes only.
On most flights you can check in online starting 30 hours before, and up until one hour before departure. If you prefer, you can also check in at the airport. No matter how you check in, be sure to be at your gate and ready to board by your flights deadline. 2ff7e9595c