A more accurate understanding of the rank and magnitude of mortality from specific conditions is of critical importance for health policy and planning in Thailand, as elsewhere. Among males, proportionate mortality from stroke, road traffic accidents, and ischemic heart disease is more than double what is observed from death registration. Those three causes along with HIV and COPD comprise the top five causes of death. Neither HIV/AIDS nor COPD were ranked in the top 10 causes of male deaths based on vital registration. Suicide, diabetes, and cirrhosis of the liver were also among the leading causes of male deaths in Thailand, but were insignificant in vital registration. The considerable changes in rankings for these various causes of death are evident from the steep slopes of most of the corresponding arrows in Figure 1. The fraction of ill-defined diseases among all deaths, for example, fell tenfold. Other vague diagnoses such as "other malignant neoplasms" or "ill-defined injuries" (uncertain whether accidently or purposefully inflicted) declined substantially as causes of death.
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